ECTS Credits and Taking Exams
Acquiring ECTS Credits
After successfully passing an exam, you will be awarded the following number of ECTS credits depending on the different course types:
From winter semester 2023-24 on
Lecture/Colloquium |
1-hour | = 3 credits |
2-hour | = 6 credits |
3-hour | = 9 credits |
4-hour | = 12 credits |
5-hour | = 15 credits |
6-hour | = 18 credits |
Seminar |
The information for seminars is valid as a rule. Please note any discrepancies in the course information in the Online Course Catalogue (LSF) and the Course Catalogue! |
1-hour without presentation and written paper | = 3 credits |
1-hour with presentation and written paper | = 8 credits |
2-hour without presentation and written paper | = 6 credits |
2-hour with presentation and written paper | = 10 credits |
3-hour without presentation and written paper | = 9 credits |
3-hour with presentation and written paper | = 12 credits |
Moot Court with Presentation
The information for Moot-courts is valid as a rule. Please note any discrepancies in the course information in the Online Course Catalogue (LSF) and the Course Catalogue!
= 14 credits |
Practical Preparation Course |
= 0 credits | |
Study Group |
= 0 credits |

Keep in mind: The Law Faculty does not prescribe regular exams for domestic students at the end of the semester. In coordination with the respective professor/lecturer, you can however take an exam at the end of the semester. Whether this will be a written or an oral exam will be at the discretion of the teacher.

German Language Courses
You will receive ECTS credits for attending a German Language Course at the International Study Centre (ISZ) of the University:
Preparatory German Language Course (Vorbereitender Deutschkurs) |
= 8 credits |
Study-Accompanying German Language Course (Studienbegleitender Deutschkurs) (4/8 SWS) |
= 6/12 credits |
Subject-specific Course (Fachspezifischer Kurs) |
= 8 credits |
Up to and including summer semester 23
Lecture/Colloquium |
1-hour | =2 credits |
2-hour | =3 credits |
3-hour | =5 credits |
4-hour | =6 credits |
5-hour | =8 credits |
6-hour | =9 credits |
Seminar |
1-hour without presentation and written paper | =2 credits |
1-hour with presentation and written paper | =4 credits |
2-hour without presentation and written paper | =3 credits |
2-hour with presentation and written paper | =6 credits |
3-hour without presentation and written paper | =4 credits |
3-hour with presentation and written paper | =7 credits |
A „Blockseminar“ generally refers to a 3-hour seminar. |
Moot Court with Presentation |
=14 credits | |
Practical Preparation Course |
=0 credits | |
Study Group |
=0 credits |

In addition to the regular final exam, the lecturer may give you the option to:
- take another exam (oral/written/presentation with handout (1-2 pages)) for which you will receive an extra 1 ECTS credit.
- prepare a written paper (with a minimum of 10 pages) for which you will receive an extra 2 ECTS credits.

German Language Courses
You will receive ECTS credits for attending a German Language Course at the International Study Centre (ISZ) of the University:
Preparatory German Language Course (Vorbereitender Deutschkurs) |
= 8 credits |
Study-Accompanying German Language Course (Studienbegleitender Deutschkurs) (4/8 SWS) |
= 6/12 credits |
Subject-specific Course (Fachspezifischer Kurs) |
= 8 credits |
Taking Exams
In general, you can take an examination in all courses, which are available to ERASMUS students. The exams will usually take place towards the end of the lecture period and always in consultation with the lecturer. Exempted from this rule are practical preparation courses and study groups. Once you have decided to take a course, please contact the lecturers directly and discuss the examination modalities and dates with them.

Examination Certificates
Please also make sure that you receive the examination certificates directly from the lecturer or the professor. If you are no longer in Heidelberg when the certificates are being handed out, ask if you may leave a stamped envelope with your home address at the office of the chair for forwarding.
No Retakes
ECTS credits will only be awarded after successfully passing the exam. Generally, there are no retakes offered at the Law Faculty. In case of a failed exam, it is up to the lecturers/professor whether they wish to offer a retake.
Examination Certificates and Grading System
You will receive the examination certificates (Scheine) directly from the respective lecturers after successfully taking an examination. See also the information on taking an examation. You need the certificates to receive your Transcript of Records.
Grading of your Examination Results at the Law Faculty
The grading of your examination results at the Law Faculty will be based on the following system:
German Grading System (points) | ECTS grade |
12-18 | A |
9-11 | B |
7-8 | C |
5-6 | D |
4 | E |
1-3 | FX |
0 | F |
Grading of other Examination Results (e.g. German language courses)
The evaluation of other examination results, e.g. German language courses at the ISZ, will be converted in the following way:
German Grading System | Grade | ECTS grade |
1,0-1,5 | excellent | A |
over 1,5-2,0 | very good | B |
over 2,0-2,5 | good | C |
over 2,5-3,5 | satisfactory | D |
over 3,5-4,0 | sufficient | E |
over 4,0 | insufficient | F |
Overview of Grades
To call up your transcript of records via heiCO, proceed as described in these instructions.