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Learning Agreement

What is the Learning Agreement?

The Learning AgreementAdobe is an agreement of the study plan between the ERASMUS students, the home university and the ERASMUS coordinators of the University of Heidelberg. The Learning AgreementAdobe is compiled independently by the students according to the requirements of the home university.

After choosing the lectures you would like to attend, fill out the document according to the completition instructions below and send it to the ERASMUS coordinator for review and signature. Depending on the requirements of your home university, this may be necessary before or at the start of your stay.


Tip: Take a look at the diagram showing the steps and documents within the framework of the ERASMUS stay.


Keep in mind: The Learning Agreement should be submitted to the ERASMUS coordinator by mid-December (winter semester) or mid-June (summer semester) at the latest.

Offer and Choice of Lectures

You can arrange your timetable independently according to the requirements of your home university. In general, you can attend all courses at the Law Faculty (exception: Practical preparation course). 


Tip: We recommend attending all courses you take into consideration for your final course choice during the first two weeks of lectures. Afterwards, you can make your final decision and coordinate this with your home university, then hand in the Learning Agreement to the ERASMUS coordinator for review and signature.


Participation in seminars, moot courts and propaedeutic preparation courses is only possible after prior registration.


The range of lectures and courses offered by the University of Heidelberg and the Law Faculty can be found in in the online course catalogue heiCOExterner Inhalt from the summer semester 2024.


To see the courses offered at the Law Faculty, please click on the box "Courses" on heiCOExterner Inhalt in the right corner.


You can find a short instruction of the ERASMUS coordination of the the Law Faculty here.


See also the detailed instructions for heiCo on the university website. 


To access the courses of the Faculty of Law, select “Faculty of Law” under “Organisation”. Under “Filter” you can select the language of instruction, for example English.


Note: The courses are generally held in German (B1 level).


Until winter semester 2023-2024:
The courses from previous semesters can be found in the online course catalogue (LSF). At the top right of the page you can select the different semesters and the language version.


Also, inform yourself about the lectures and courses on offer, as well as the different types of courses.


Keep in mind: Usually, the final draft of the online course catalogue for the fall/winter semester is released by 1st of October, for the spring/summer semester by 1st of April. For your personal orientation, please have a look at the courses offered in the previous semesters.


The current annotated course catalogue of the Faculty of Law in with explanations of the professors/lecturers in printed form is available towards the end of the semester break at the entrance to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Law in the “Juristisches Seminar”.

However, there are also some courses that are offered in foreign languages. A compilation of the courses that are held in other languages can be found in this brochureAdobe.


Tip: Lectures at other faculties are open to students enrolled at the University of Heidelberg as well. Please contact the respective lecturer for more information.

After you have decided on your final choice of courses and have coordinated this with your home university, complete the Learning AgreementAdobe, and submit it to the ERASMUS coordinator at the Law Faculty for review and signature. Please take note of the instructions for completion.


Keep in mind: Some courses have registration deadlines. The deadlines are announced on the notice board or in the commented course catalogue Externer Inhalt.


You cannot obtain ECTS credits or take an examination in every course (e.g. propaedeutic preparation courses and practical preparation courses). For more information check out ECTS and taking exams.


For further information and advice on your Learning Agreement please contact the ERASMUS coordination of the Law Faculty during office hours or via e-mail (erasmus@ipr.uni-heidelberg.de E-Mail).

Attendance Function

Please note: The range of lectures and courses offered by the University of Heidelberg and the Law Faculty can be found in heiCO from the summer semester 2024. Please see the heiCO instructions here.


A short instruction from the Law Faculty on how to take courses via heiCO can be found here.


Note: The registration via the attendance function is mandatory if you want to take an examination and receive ECTS credits!


The next step is to sign up for your course to access online teaching materials and to improve communication on MoodleExterner Inhalt. More information here.

Completion Instructions and Forms

If you do not have to sign and return your Learning AgreementAdobe before or at the beginning of your stay (depending on the requirements of your home university), we recommend attending all courses you take into consideration for your final course choice during the first two weeks of lectures. Afterwardes, ypu can make your final course selection. In addition, take a look at the Offer and Choice of Lectures.

Please fill in the Learning AgreementAdobe according to your course choice, also Table C under the heading "Exceptional Changes to the Proposed Mobility Programme", indicate the number of ECTS credits and send the completed Learning AgreementAdobe to us as a scan via e-mail (erasmus@ipr.uni-heidelberg.de E-Mail). 


Please check out the Guidelines for Completing the Learning AgreementAdobe.


The section "Changes to the Learning Agreement" only needs to be filled out if you have already submitted the document before the start of your stay and changes occurred during your stay. For the exact timeline, please see the diagram on the steps and documents within the framework of the ERASMUS stay.


Tip: The number of ECTS credits you can acquire for attending a course, is determined by the type of course as well as the course hours per week (SWS). Read more about the Acquisition of ECTS credits and see in particular the step-by-step instructions based on an exampleAdobe.

You can download the form for the Learning Agreement here: Learning Agreement FormAdobe.

Responsible: Erasmus-Team
Latest Revision: 2025-02-06
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