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Lectures and Courses

The students' individual interests are the starting point for setting their academic prioritisation: An individual Learning Agreement will be drawn up at the beginning of the programme. 


Tip: The Learning Agreement can include lectures offered by the Law Faculty and other faculties of the University of Heidelberg as well as language courses during the semester.

Among others, you can select courses from the following areas of law and specialisation:

•    European law
•    International law
•    Comparative law
•    Civil law
•    International private law
•    Public law
•    Environmental law
•    Tax law
•    Criminal law
•    Criminology


Note: In general, the lectures and courses offered by the Law Faculty are held in German (B1-level). For further information, please have a look at the Courses in Foreign Languages down below.


Tip: In general, it is possible to attend lectures at other faculties of the University of Heidelberg as well as seminars at the Law Faculty of the University of Mannheim. However, please make sure to take note of possible participation requirements, deadlines, the number of ECTS credits and examinations in advance. Please consult with the responsible ERASMUS coordinator and the individual lecturers at the beginning of the respective course.

Course Catalogue

The range of lectures and courses offered by the University of Heidelberg and the Law Faculty can be found in in the online course catalogue heiCOExterner Inhalt from the summer semester 2024.

To see the courses offered at the Law Faculty, please click on the box Courses on heiCOExterner Inhalt

You can find a short instruction of the ERASMUS coordination of the the Law Faculty here.

See also the detailed instructions for heiCo on the university websiteExterner Inhalt

To access the courses of the Faculty of Law, select “Faculty of Law” under “Organisation”. Under “Filter” you can select the language of instruction, for example English.


The courses are generally held in German (B1 level).


Until winter semester 2023-2024:
The courses from previous semesters can be found in the online course catalogue (LSF)Externer Inhalt. At the top right of the page you can select the different semesters and the language version.


Keep in mind: Usually, the final draft of the online course catalogue for the fall/winter semester is released by 1st of October, for the spring/summer semester by 1st of April. For your personal orientation, please have a look at the courses offered in the previous semesters.


The current annotated course catalogue of the Faculty of Law in with explanations of the professors/lecturers in printed form is available towards the end of the semester break at the entrance to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Law in the “Juristisches Seminar”.


Tip: Please see the information on Choosing courses further down on this page as well as on the page ECTS and Taking Exams.

Activities for International Students

To facilitate the start of your studies at Ruperto Carola, there is a rich offer of activities for international students:

International Relations Office

The International Relations Office offers the following events for all international students at the University of Heidelberg:

•    Orientation daysExterner Inhalt 
•    Buddy ProgrammeExterner Inhalt

Law Faculty

In addition, the Law Faculty offers the following courses, which are also designed with international students in mind:

•    Colloquium: in Comparative Private Law
•    Communication/Contract Design/Dispute Resolution
•    International Dispute Resolution in Private and Law (only in the spring/summer semester)


Tip: In particular, we advise you to make use of the Buddy ProgrammeExterner Inhalt of the International Relations Office and the Law Tandem for international and German law students in HeidelbergExterner Inhalt to meet fellow students from Germany and abroad.

Language Courses

There are many ways to prepare yourself linguistically and subject-specifically for your studies at the University of Heidelberg. Moreover, you can attend Language Courses during your ERASMUS stay and thus improve your subject-specific knowledge. Please see the overview of language courses on the website of the International Relations OfficeExterner Inhalt and in the information brochure Law and Foreign Language CoursesAdobe.


Tip: You can earn ECTS credits by attending language courses, too! Please discuss the acquisition of ECTS credits with your home university in advance.

Courses in Foreign Languages

In general, courses at the Law Faculty are held in German (B1 level). You can find a basic list of the courses offered in a foreign language in the information brochure Law and foreign language coursesAdobe.

Lectures in foreign law are usually taught in the respective language - e.g. English, French or Italian.


Tip: The current range of courses offered in foreign languages at the Faculty of Law can be found in the online Online Course Catalogue (LSF)Externer Inhalt under the heading "Legal Writing, Foreign Language and the corresponding Judicial Terminology" and "Courses in English".


See hereAdobe a list of courses held in English.

Overview: Choosing Courses and Attendance Function

You can compile your schedule independently according to the requirements of your home university. It will be agreed upon in the Learning Agreement. For more information, please see the respective forms and the instructions.


Tip: We recommend that you attend all the courses you might wish to take during the first two weeks of lectures and to make your final selection afterwards.

After you have compiled your timetable, please register for your selected courses via the Attendance Function


Note: Registration for courses is a requirement for Taking Exams and thus for acquiring ECTS credits.


Keep in mind: For some courses there are registration deadlines that must be met. The deadlines are announced on a notice board or in the commented course catalogue.



Moodle is the central e-learning platform of the University of Heidelberg. It provides text, audio and video files for the individual courses.


The online events and associated learning materials will be made available on the newly established Moodle page: https://moodle.uni-heidelberg.de.


Note: In order to access the content, you must register for the Moodle courses. To do so, you must first register for the respective courses via the attendance function in the LSF.
Responsible: Erasmus-Team
Latest Revision: 2025-02-06
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