Doctoral Research and Studies Doctoral Research and Studies at the Faculty of Law
Research and studies aiming at the degree Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft (Dr. iur.) serve the purpose of showing the skills needed for independent, in-depth, systematic and methodological academic work leading to progress in the knowledge about law and its foundations.
During the admission procedure, the Doctoral Research Board (Promotionsausschuss) examines whether there is good reason for the expectation that such skills will show. The Promotionsausschuss consists of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, as its president, and all professors who are members of the Faculty Council (Fakultätsrat). In doing so, it applies legal prerequisites for admission to doctoral research and studies. Whether candidates have the skills described above is examined on the basis of a dissertation and an oral defense and discussion (disputatio) of its theses, which is open to the specialist public of the members the Faculty of Law.

Admission to doctoral research and studies, matriculation (enrollment) as doctoral student
Admission to and enrollment for doctoral research and studies after having graduated in law in Germany
Information about admission to doctoral research and studies and enrollment as doctoral student after successful graduation in law within the Federal Republic of Germany
Doctoral Examination
The doctoral examination consists of the evaluation of the dissertation (doctoral thesis) and an oral examination.