Doctoral Research and Studies on the Basis of Non-German Studies of Law

I. Supervision of the project and supervision agreement

Before beginning a formal admission procedure it is necessary to conclude a written supervision agreement (Promotionsvereinbarung) between the possible future doctoral student and her or his supervisor. As prerequisite for admission, this agreement has to meet legal requirements. The agreement has to cover at least the following matters:

1. the dissertation project, time tables that are adjusted to the situation in life of the potential doctoral student; time tables have to be checked and continuously adjusted;
2. statements about an individual program for studies,
3. a reciprocal commitment to comply with standards or codes of conduct safeguaridng good research practice for academic and scientific work;
4. regulations for the resolution of disputes and
5. the times of evaluation which have to be determined at the time the dissertation is submitted.

The Faculty of Law provides a form that can be used for the preparation of the supervision agreement (Promotionsvereinbarung). The conclusion of the agreement is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition for admission. After completion of the agreement (Promotionsvereinbarung), registration at the portal heiDOCS is necessary before submission of the application for admission to doctoral research and studies.


II. Admission to doctoral research and studies

Rules for the admission to doctoral research and studies are laid down for different groups of potential doctoral students in Sections 4 - 9 PromO.

The prerequisites for admission have been laid down in section 7 PromO for applicants who have completed studies in law with a degree outside of the Federal Republic of Germany. We recommend you to talk about details with Ms Nadine Eckert in the office for doctoral research and studies or with the academic manager of the office of the dean, Dr. Rainer Keil. 

The prerequisites for admission are the following:

1. evidence of the completion of a foreign degree program in law at a university. The Doctoral Research Board (Promotionsausschuss) decides about its recognition. The degree must be equivalent to the first juristic examination or to the second juristic state examination with the grade “vollbefriedigend” (fully satisfactory).

2. four semesters of studies of law at a university within the Federal Republic of Germany, among them at least two in Heidelberg;

3. sufficient German language skills, which have been proven by submitting a certification of successful participation in one of the language tests the Faculty of Law recognizes. Recognized are the following tests:

  • Proof of successful completion at a German university of the test Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) with the level DSH-3;
  • proof of Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom of Goethe-Institute with at least the overall grade 2,5;
  • proof of Großen Deutschen Sprachdiploms des Goethe-Instituts;
  • proof of Zentralen Oberstufenprüfung des Goethe-Instituts mit mindestens der Gesamtnote 2,5;
  • proof of Goethe-Zertifikat C 2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom;
  • proof of Deutschen Sprachdiploms der Kultusministerkonferenz - Stufe II mit mindestens der Gesamtnote 2,5;
  • proof of Tests Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) mit mindestens der der Note 5 (TestDaFNiveaustufe, TDN) in allen Teilprüfungen;
  • proof of written final examination in German in secundary school shown in the final certificate, if bilateral international agreements provide for such a recognition;
  • proof of written final examination in German within the examination Prüfung zur Feststellung der Eignung ausländischer Studienbewerber für die Aufnahme eines Studiums an den Hochschulen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (“Feststellungsprüfung”) with at least the grade 2,5;

4. successful participation in a seminar in Rechtswissenschaft (law, as academically investigated and treated). It is necessary that within this seminar a presentation has been given independently in German and that the presentation has been defended in an oral discussion and elaborated and submitted as academic essay or research paper. The achievements are only relevant, if evaluated at least with the grade “befriedigend” (satisfactory);

5. successful participation in two supervized written closed book tests within a quater of a year. One of the tests has to cover a topic from within German or Roman history of law, modern constitutional history, philosophy of law, sociology of law, comparative law or Allgemeine Staatslehre (general theory of state and constitution). The other test has to be about a subject from obligatory fields of law as defined in section 8 of the State Ordinance Regulating the Education and Examination of Jurists in Baden-Württemberg. The field must not be from within a field of law that is closely linked to the topic of the planned dissertation project. The applicant has the right to propose an area of expertise for each of the written tests. The achievements have to be evaluated by two examiners who are appointed by the dean. Please discuss the way you intend to proceed in advancce with the office for doctoral research and studies (Ms. Nadine Eckert).


III. Matriculation (enrollment) as doctoral student

For enrollment as doctoral student, please contact the office of student administration of the central university administration at Seminarstraße 2, 69117 Heidelberg. The colleagues at the student administration need you to submit a certificate of admission to doctoral research and studies. As soon as the Doctoral Research Board (Promotionsausschuss) has admitted you to doctoral research and studies, you can obtain this certificate at the office for doctoral research and studies (Ms. Eckert).