Summer term 2024
I. Public and Administrative Law
- Basic Exercise Course Constitutional Law (Prof. Dr. Kube)
Time and place: Friday, 11 c.t. - 13 Uhr, HS 14 (Neue Universität)
- Lecture Law of the European Union II (Prof. Dr. Reimer)
Time an place: Thursday, 14 c.t. - 16 Uhr, Heuscheuer I
II. Tax Law
- Lecture Introduction to Tax Law (Prof. Dr. Reimer)
Time and place: Wednesday, 18 c.t. - 20 Uhr, HS 02 (Neue Universität)
Start: 18.10.2023
- Lecture Company Taxation (Prof. Dr. Kube)
Time and place: Wednesday, 9 c.t. - 12 Uhr, HS 01 (Neue Universität)
- Lecture General Tax Code (Prof Dr. Reimer)
Time and place: Friday, 11 c.t. - 13 Uhr (first half of the term), HS 03 (Neue Universität)
- Trilateral Seminar "Taxation of Employees" (Prof. Dr. Kube/Prof. Dr. Reimer)
Time and place: 29/30 April 2024, Heidelberg - the exact place is still to follow; preliminary discussion presumably 6 February 2024 at the chair of Prof. Dr. Reimer
- Tutorial in Tax Law (Ref. iur. Katharina Steuer)
Time and place: Thursday, 15 s.t. - 18 Uhr (first half of the term starting 18th of April 2024), Übungsraum 1 (Jur. Seminar)
- Seminar "Das Recht der Non-Profit-Organisationen" (PD Dr. Thorsten Helm)
Time and place: 19/20 July 2024 - the place is still to follow; preliminary discussion presumably 22 May 2024 online
Winter term 2024/25
I. Public and Administrative Law
- Lecture Police Law (Prof. Dr. Kube)
Time and place: Tuesday, 9 c.t. - 11 h, HS 13 (Neue Universität)
- Advanced Exercise Course Constitutional Law (Prof. Dr. Reimer)
Time and place: Friday, 9 c.t. -11 h, HS 14 (Neue Universität)
- Lecture Municipal Law (Prof. Dr. Reimer)
Time and place: Friday, 11 c.t. - 13 h, HS 14 (Neue Universität)
- Seminar in Constitutional Law (Prof. Dr. Reimer)
Time and place: presumably Thursday, 18 c.t. - 20 h, "Orgel" room (Neue Universität)
II. Tax Law
- Lecture Income Tax Law (Prof. Dr. Kube)
Time and place: Monday, 14 c.t. - 16 h, HS 02 (Neue Universität)
- Seminar in Tax Law (Prof. Dr. Kube)
block seminar, presumably end of January/beginning of February 2025
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